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133 Newport Drive Suite G
San Marcos CA 92069


If you are looking for artificial plants to buy then you are in the right place. We specialize in artificial boxwood hedge mat and artificial boxwood hedges. Bringing together artificial and a natural look, our closely designed climaleaf brand is perfect for any occasion and use.


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Liven Up Fall With Artificial Flowers And Plants

Lindy Williams

Well, we blinked and summer is over. The year is marching on and fall has started to present itself in glorious colors. With all the change, one can’t help but notice something that has stayed the same, the ever-looming lack of rainfall. California's stores of water are rapidly depleting and lawns and gardens are showing the strain as the days begin to cool.

Despite the fact that the rain has refused to fall, your fall events don't have to be drab and lifeless. Here at Geranium Street Floral, we have all the artificial flowers, plants, and trees that you need to liven up any party or event this season. We also sell privacy artificial boxwood hedge mats that perfectly conceal your property and get-togethers from the inquisitive eyes of neighbors and pedestrians.

It's no surprise that Halloween is just around the corner with Thanksgiving and Christmas following right behind. We know that this means you have plenty on your plate with family get-togethers, gifts, meals, decorations, and all the trappings that are inherent to the holiday seasons. Currently, Geranium Street Floral has many different products that are perfect for your holiday events, including: artificial burgundy maple trees, artificial cherry blossoms, artificial azalea bunches, artificial grass, and much more.

The end of the year is hectic for everyone and we want to make yours as easy as possible. Our craftsmen can create and set up any creation you have in mind. They can also give input and suggestions for your property. 

Most of our products are UV-rated. This means that they are ideal for both indoor and outdoor parties. Even if these artificial plants and greenery are left in direct sunlight, they will not fade or discolor.

We welcome all questions and inquiries at (760) 798-2316. Or, drop by our website to see our whole line of artificial flowers and plants. 


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